Education research can be challenging due to the expense, time, and difficulty in collecting granular student data. Existing datasets can be used to test modeling techniques and assumptions, but relatively few datasets with student-level interaction or response records have been made available due partly to (somewhat justified) concerns about the difficulty of maintaining student privacy and compliance with FERPA and NSF IRB protocols. That said, there are lots of kinds of data that are very useful to education research while also being completely anonymized.
There are a variety of official sources for aggregate data related to demographics and standardized test scores at the school level - these are useful for evaluating the effects of large-scale policy decisions, but are of limited usefulness in the design of new models for assessment, knowledge acquisition, or memory. This page will serve as a (periodically updated) list of publicly available datasets useful for conducting research of the latter kind.
The FracSub dataset
The Fraction Subtraction Dataset consists of correctness ratings on 20 assessment items by 536 different students. The assessment items all involved computing the difference of two fractions.
- Original Data:
[More coming soon…]