About (S)am
I'm a social entrepreneur whose ultimate goal is to mitigate poverty worldwide by improving the quality, equity, and scalability of education. My company, Edapt Technologies, applies cutting-edge machine learning and artificial intelligence research to key educational processes, including adaptive assessment, personalized review, and individualized curriculum. We offer a variety of consulting, research, and software services.
As a researcher, I'm currently investigating approaches to abstraction and scalability in reinforcement learning, near-optimal assessment creation, data-efficient pedagogical evaluation and experimentation, and collaborative/explainable machine learning. I also wrote Education: The Next Hundred Years, available through Barnes and Noble and as a Kindle Book on Amazon. The book combines insights from my research, teaching, and consulting experience to provide a roadmap for transforming education over the next century using emerging pedagogical and computational technologies.
In my spare time, I enjoy reading, composing (raps, choral music, machine-generated music), game design (tabletop and electronic), and writing. I do almost all of that with or for my family.